Sunday 24 July 2011

Who do you wave at?

We're looking at the Wild Camping forums tonight, which we came across via the Do Your Dream blog, and there's a conversation going on as to whether motorhomers wave to each other, and how discriminate or otherwise people are.

This provoked quite a discussion on our part - I'm fairly bad at noticing what's going on in the other direction when I drive (this is probably a bad thing, thinking about it) so I'm slow to spot fellow campervanners and tend to miss my chances, but the other half is much more switched on and ready to wave (or not on...). 

First off, we don't wave at VW "veedub" camper vans as we're not part of that gang (although I have to say I feel guilty if they wave at us...sorry people!!) - however here's who we definitely would raise a cheery wave to:

 - Other Bedford CF camper vans, natch - although its a rare occasion we pass another Bedford camper, so we reckon this has only happened three times!
 - Bedford ice cream vans - more prolific on the roads, although the people driving them sometimes don't understand the significance of their vehicle, so its mostly a one-way-wave here
 - Bedford truck like the campers, you don't see these often and it's something the Husband is much better at spotting than me
 - Finally, pedestrians sometimes wave at us (especially kids) and we always return these as it's lovely to see people liking a Trevor drive-by!

If you're a camper van owner, what wave-rules do you have? Or are you happy to acknowledge any camper of any type?


  1. Our campervan has only looked like a campervan for the last couple of months. Never having had one before, the first time someone waved we thought we knew them or something, it wasn't until it happened again (and because my husband is a biker and they nod to each other)that we realised this must be what motorcaravanners do. So I suppose we'd wave to anyone who waved at us.

  2. Hi Kath,
    I found my way here via Campervanlife :D Love what you've done with your van, it's such a transformation and I'm going to thoroughly read how you did it. My 'new to me' van is very dull and in need of some paint, but the interior is getting sorted first as it was GRIM!!!


  3. Hi guys, Yarrow good luck with the van, if you want to ask us anything feel free to, we'd love to help if we can, or if not just share our frustrations and efforts!

  4. Thanks Kath, I'm loving reading your stories about Trevor and I'm due to go on my first proper trip on Friday. I'm sooo excited :D


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